May 30, 2014

Assymetrical rudder/daggerboards

The builder is the crazy Dutchman on the left, I think. Professionally built, as they will take the most stress.

Now need to attach them to the hull somehow. Even though I told him that there was nothing personal in it, Ray was most disappointed that his round round drums for flipping up the dagger boards had been removed. I had had a Eureka moment, after struggling to find way to allow the rudder/daggerboards to flip up if hit, while at the same time be easily set.

The boards were deliberately made extra long so they could be cut back if necessary.
It might be necessary.......

May 27, 2014

Square topped sail design

To be square topped, trisail taffeta. The reasons for square topped are to give greater sail area and to spill wind in gusts. We shall see.