August 17, 2016

Dragon bow rollers

At last. It took a couple of months at the local fabrication shop because they had to get 6mm 316 steel from Lisbon, but it was worth it for the fine welding job they did attaching the rollers to the plate

and the rectangular hollow plate.

Close up of the laser cut dragon detail

February 05, 2016

Democratic design change to rudder/daggerboard attachment

In the interests of greater strength to probably the most important part of the boat strengthwise; instead of laminating the rudder/daggerboard assembly directly to the hull, a democratic decision was made to cut a 68 cm hole in the hull at the centre of the bulkhead (see first pic), then shove the whole drum assembly inside, suitably cut with slots at the bulkead, and spabond the whole lot in.
There will still be SOME laminating, hence the present mess around the drum, just a lot less.

January 14, 2016

Rudder/Daggerboard drums.

1. Cut 2 x 68 cm diameter holes in the hull at the next bulkheads behind the cross beams.
2. Cut slots in the drums so they slide into the bulkhead.
3 Slot drums into the holes. 